Why You Are Stressed at Work & How Therapy or Job Coaching Helps

National statistics show that American workers are working more hours, but are less satisfied with their jobs than ever before.According to the American Psychological Association:

Jobs and careers are an important part of our lives. Along with providing a source of income, they help us fulfill our personal aims, build social networks, and serve our professions or communities. They are also a major source of emotional stress.

Stress at work can affect your mood, self-esteem, health, and relationships. Coming home grumpy, zoning out with your partner or kids, drinking too much and being too tired to exercise can create a negative cycle in which your physical and mental health suffer. Job stress or burnout is a major problem that brings people to therapy. Feeling unfairly treated at work or facing a major disappointment can erode your self-esteem and make you question your own perceptions and abilities.

Below are some of the most common reasons you may be stressed or dissatisfied at work.

  1. Fear of losing your job due to downsizing, mergers, or management changes
  2. Not feeling appreciated or compensated sufficiently
  3. Toxic office politics & poor leadership
  4. Lack of meaning and monotonous work
  5. Not feeling like you are growing or learning new skills
  6. Age discrimination
  7. Lack of opportunities for advancement
  8. Too many or unclear demands
  9. Lack of resources
  10. Low employee morale

What You Can Do

A skilled therapist or career coach can help you understand negative patterns, such as self-sacrifice, perfectionism, reactivity to criticism, or avoidance, and how these may keep you stuck or interfere with your progress and satisfaction at work. Therapy can also help you set goals for a balanced life and prioritize healthy self-care that can keep you strong and motivated to withstand the uncontrollable ups and downs at work. Therapy or coaching can help you decide whether you need to speak up, delegate more, or make a job change to be more satisfied and at peace.

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